We were thrilled to donate a laptop to the Vancouver Aboriginal Child & Family Services Society. Every year the Vancouver Aboriginal Child & Family Services Society expresses gratitude and admiration to the Foster Parents they work with for their commitment to the babies, children, and youth from their community. Occasionally they provide care for short periods of time but every now and then they are with the family until the age of majority and some become permanent members of the family.
They are a nonprofit organization providing a variety of social services to Aboriginal children and families in Vancouver. With the rest of the province, VACFSS celebrates the month of October as “Foster Parent Appreciation Month”. In recognition of the challenging and dedicated work by their foster parents, they invited ERA to share in this appreciation by providing a laptop. This laptop will go as a gift to one of the foster parents of the night.
We wish the Vancouver Aboriginal Child & Family Services Society the best of luck on October 12th, 2017 and for the future. Keep up the great work!
For more information about this incredible organizations click here.