Calgary Performing Arts Festival Making Changes Through Technology
We were thrilled to donate two laptops to the Calgary Performing Arts Festival (CPA Festival). The devices they were already using were extremely old and their system was running on a software known as Vista. This software was not compatible with any of the updates CPA Festival tried to make, such as Access a program used to store their data and registrations.
In 1931, a small group of eager musicians decided to take their love of music to the next level by creating an event called The Calgary Music Festival.
The Festival began as a small competition but quickly grew so large that this small group of musicians approached the Kiwanis Clubs of Calgary to take ownership of the Festival, giving it the new title: The Calgary Kiwanis Festival.
Since then, their Festival has become one of the greatest performing arts events in Calgary, and one of the largest amateur competitive festivals in North America. In 2014, Calgary Kiwanis Festival underwent another name change and became The Calgary Performing Arts Festival.
This year’s CPA Festival takes place at Mount Royal University, from April 23 to May 13th, 2018.
If you want more information on this amazing organizations, please visit