The Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) is a non-profit organization committed to ending the e-waste crisis in Canada and providing hundreds of Canadian families in need with donated computer equipment each year. We are looking for enthusiastic, outgoing volunteers to raise awareness about us. If you are looking for a way to give back to the community while earning some great experience, this is the volunteer position for you! All volunteers will be provided a free ERA volunteer t-shirt or sweatshirt and will receive their choice of a free, refurbished laptop or desktop computer upon completion of their volunteer hours. Individual volunteers are welcome, but we encourage you to bring a friend, after all two heads are better than one, and more fun!
We are currently recruiting Awareness Ambassadors (AAs), who will go out into the community and speak with their neighbours about the benefits of working with ERA for their reuse and recycling needs.
There is a 12 hour minimum time commitment, which will be broken into shifts based on the volunteer’s schedule and availability. Shifts will be a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 6 hours each.
Weekend and evening AAs will be assigned residential routes, weekday AAs will be assigned business routes. Once 12 hours have been completed, the volunteer will receive their choice of refurbished laptop or desktop computer (including associated peripherals – monitor, keyboard and mouse). The volunteer will also receive a volunteer certificate of recognition and a signed reference letter from our Volunteer Manager.
All volunteers will be required to attend an orientation session prior to beginning their volunteer hours.
Territory will be assigned in advance, along with a form outlining each individual home on the route. Volunteer must get resident’s initial at each address. If residents are not available, flyer is to be left in the mailbox (if there is ‘no solicitation’ sign, volunteer must not approach or leave flyer behind). Volunteer is responsible for transportation to and from their assigned territory. Volunteer must be dressed in business casual attire with an ERA volunteer t-shirt (which will be provided at no cost by ERA). Comfortable shoes are recommended (running shoes etc.)
Volunteer will be provided with a script and FAQ sheet to help them communicate the ERA’s purpose. Volunteer will be provided with an on-call ERA employee’s phone number in the event questions come up that the volunteer is unable to answer.
Territory will be assigned in advance, along with a form outlining each individual business on the route. Volunteer must get the name and initial of an employee at each business. Volunteers are asked to avoid visiting businesses with signs requesting no solicitation. Volunteer is responsible for transportation to and from their assigned territory. Volunteer must be dressed in business casual attire with an ERA volunteer t-shirt (which will be provided at no cost by ERA). Comfortable shoes are recommended (running shoes etc.)
Volunteer will be provided with a script and FAQ sheet to help them communicate the ERA’s purpose. Volunteer will be provided with an on-call ERA employee’s phone number in the event questions come up that the volunteer is unable to answer.
– Fluent in English
– Good verbal communication skills
– Outgoing, positive personality and friendly demeanour; ability to approach new people with confidence
– Presentable appearance
– Comfortable walking door to door and standing for extended periods of time
– Minimum age requirement of 16, volunteers under the age of 18 must obtain signed parental or legal guardian consent form to participate
– Previous volunteer experience with the public will be considered an asset
– Passion for the environment and giving back to the community!
If you are interested in this opportunity, please forward your resume and cover letter to Kristi Gartner at [email protected] or by fax to 403.206.7585. Thank you for your interest!