We were delighted to provide Our Place Community of Hope with a donated laptop. This laptop will replace their old computer which no longer operates due to being outdated and slow at functioning. The computer was used for a lot of their programs and the maintenance of their website. Some of the programs include movie and karaoke night. This laptop will be a great addition and we wish them all the best.
Our Place Community of Hope provides a ministry of hospitality and presence to people experiencing mental health issues, through a community which seeks to include all people by affirming and empowering them towards personal and communal responsibility.
Founded in 1969 Our Place provides a frontline response to the changing needs of people living with mental illness.
They offer a wide range of activities that are all designed to provide their participants with the opportunity to interact with others – building social skills, tolerance for conflict and a support network of friends.
Our Place programs are strictly voluntary and anyone can join as they wish. Many of their new program participants choose to observe first and begin to get involved in activities that interest them when they feel more comfortable. Regular programs facilitate bonding among their members by enabling small groups to participate together.
If you would like to learn more about this organization, please visit https://www.ourplacecommunityofhope.com/