“The show must go on” for the Royal City Musical Theatre and one way ERA could assist was by donating a monitor. This will help with the production of musical theatre, daily data entries and surfing the web. “Thank you very much for the donation of a new computer monitor! It is so great to be able to see all of the items without minimizing them on my screen” said Chelsea Carlson, Producer at the Royal City Musical Theatre.
They produce only large-scale musical theatre shows with community-based casts of as many as sixty on the stage. Very few organizations outside of Broadway or London’s West End are able to mount such large productions. They have produced twenty-seven Prize-winning Broadway musicals, which have been universally praised by local media and audiences. Their mission is to bring together theatrical professionals and emerging talent in an inspiring environment to produce exceptional musical theatre that engages the broader community.
If you love musical theatre and would like to see this organization in action, please click here.
To apply for a donation from ERA, please use the link below.